Train Your Own Coach

Train Your Own Coach: Participate in an intense 16-week course

An e-Learning course to certify one of your own: board chair, Governance Committee, CEO, pastors, or leaders to support your governance, leadership, and management in The Relationship Model™.

Training your own internal coach ensures that you will have long-lasting coaching to support your own governance in The Relationship Model™. If you haven’t already, please read about The Relationship Model™.

In this 16-week, professionally guided internal coaching training course you will learn:
• how understanding and using the universal design of relationships is fundamental for organizational structure and processes, (Part 1) and
• a complete program of governance, leadership, and service delivery for your board, CEO, and senior staff (Part 2)

Separate courses are offered for values-based not-for-profit organizations, faith-based not-for-profit organizations and Christian churches.

16-Week Course

Course Delivery

The e-Learning course is offered in 16 modules via email on a weekly schedule. Course sessions normally begin in early January and again in early September. To see the next course schedule click on the “Become an Internal Coach” button above.

Optional video meetings to share experiences are scheduled depending on bandwidth available around the world and availability of participants in different time zones.

Assignments and Class Size

Modules are issued on Saturdays and assignments are due eight days later on Sunday. Assignments are reviewed by a trained Relationship Model™ instructor and returned to participants as a combined document to enable the participants to learn from each other. The course is limited to four participants per course session. This limit controls the amount of reading that is required by the participants when lessons are returned.


The cost per participant is $3,600 USD. Canadian orders will be discounted at checkout. 

Organizations have the option to fill the class with their own four people (from members of the board, the CEO or pastor, or senior staff members). Where four participants come from the same organization or church, the fourth participant is free.


The 16-week course (one module per week) is divided into two parts. In Part 1 you will learn about the universal understanding of relationships which create the foundation of The Relationship Model™, or the operating system as we call it. Read more about this operating system on The Relationship Model™ page of this website. In Part 2 you will learn about a complete model of governance, leadership, and service delivery. Read more about this on The Relationship Model™ page of this website.

To see the module titles, click on the “Become an Internal Coach” button below.

Advanced External Coaching

For internal coaches who have completed the 16-week course and want to reach out to others outside of their organization, there is an optional certification to become an external coach.

Certification is available for experienced and qualified participants interested in coaching external not-for-profit organizations and/or Christian churches, representing on a contractual basis. Your clients will be using the 12-15 month self-led Implementation curriculum, and requesting professional coaching to assist them in their implementation of The Relationship Model™.

Call or write for more information about becoming a certified governance coach in The Relationship Model™.

What Others Say

Click here to read the course evaluation from the recent 2020 session. Suggestions from participants are always taken into consideration when making course revisions/improvements.

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