Is there a balance between the fulfilment of the clients and the fulfilment of the staff in your organization? The most important principle contained in this book is that for an organization to be healthy, both staff and clients (beneficiaries) must be equally fulfilled.
This book, detailing The Relationship ModelTM, is a simple yet compelling result of examining the design of healthy relationships in the Old and New Testaments so as to demonstrate the principle in action. The entire Bible teaches in stories. We can put the lessons of these stories into a logical sequence in order to learn from them. That is what this book does.
Although supported by biblical teachings in this book, The Relationship ModelTM is built on universal truths. There is nothing in this book that is not supported by other holy books, common sense, and many excellent authors. Thus, while this book is written specifically for board members, CEOs and staff of Christian, faith-based, not-for-profit organizations, there is no reason why any organization cannot benefit from the insights that are contained within this book about governance, leadership and management.